Friday, September 3, 2010



Contact: Andy Woerner
Phone: 808-896-9473



Senator Inouye’s only Democratic challenger, Andy Woerner, sent a letter to the Hawaii Democratic Party on Friday requesting they enforce their own rules regarding eligibility for the Party’s endorsement.

According to Article IX, Section 3 of the Party’s 2010 Constitution, which is available online, “candidates shall submit Candidate Statement Forms... indicating their agreement, disagreement, and/or reservations with the Platform and Resolutions of the State and County Party" and that, a "candidate who fails to abide by these requirements shall not be eligible for endorsement".

In the letter, Mr. Woerner notes that, “the majority of candidates (and especially incumbent candidates) either failed to return their forms at all, or failed to complete them as required”.

Debi Hartmann, the Party’s Executive Director, confirmed in an email to Mr. Woerner that 60% of the candidates did not return their forms, even though the deadline was extended by one week.

Mr. Woerner viewed the forms under the supervision of West Hawaii Chair John Buckstead, but was not allowed by the Party to make copies of the documents. However, under Party rules, they are available to all members of the Party through their respective County Chairs.

Candidates whose forms were missing from the 290-page document included Gubernatorial candidate Mufi Hannemann, Lt. Governor and former Party Chairman, Brian Schatz, and U.S. Congressional candidates Mazie Hirono and Colleen Hanabusa (*see note at the end). Several other candidates including Senator Inouye and former U.S. Representative Neil Abercrombie submitted incomplete or unsigned forms.

Mr. Woerner asked the Party “to ensure that no Party funds or events are used to support said candidates in either the Primary or General Elections”.

While he seems aware that this action is unlikely to affect the outcome of his own race, Mr. Woerner contends that, “this clear disregard for the Party's rules is an alarming indication of these candidates’ lack of respect for the members of the Democratic Party itself, and for rules in general. The ability to create and follow rules is a critical component of sound government, and is essential to the proper conduct of the offices they seek.”

Hawaii’s primary election is on September 18th.

More information about the candidates can be found at: and

A copy of the Hawaii Democratic Party Constitution can be found at

*Regarding Colleen Hanabusa: The Executive Director of the Hawaii Democratic Party notified me on 9/8 that Sen. Colleen Hanabusa submitted her form before the deadline but her form was "omitted in the process of sending copies".  I have no reason to doubt her... but its certainly interesting that the one candidate who is most likely to need the Party's support in November, is the only candidate I named who's form was forgotten.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Choose the Democratic Party Ballot on Sept. 18th

Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, or one of the nearly 90% of Hawaii voters who belong to no political party at all, I urge you to vote in the primary election, and more importantly, to choose the Democratic ballot regardless of your political affiliations.

As Justice Kennedy of the United State’s Supreme Court put it, Hawaii’s election laws “exact severe penalties for one who does anything other than vote the (Democratic) Party ballot”

Like it or not, most of our elections are decided by voters who choose the Democratic ballot in the primary election. Failing to vote in this election, or failing to choose the Democratic ballot prevents you from participating in what has effectively become the general election for the State of Hawaii.

Choosing the Republican ballot may make you feel like you’re helping conservative candidates, but most of them don’t need your help on September 18th. Nearly 80% of the Republican candidates on this year’s ballot are uncontested in the primary election. In the remaining Republican contests, there are clear front-runners who will easily win the Party’s nominations.

If you look at the 2004, 2006, and 2008 election results, you will find that voters who chose the Republican ballot in the primary election had absolutely NO impact on ANY of the outcomes in the general election. Republican candidates elected to office either faced no competition in the primary election, or won their party’s nomination with landslide victories. Voting Republican in the primary was clearly a waste of these voters already limited political power.

As an alternative, you might consider the Nonpartisan ballot. But clear biases in our election laws make it virtually impossible for these candidates to win. Voters who choose THESE ballots have NEVER elected a nonpartisan candidate to office in the state of Hawaii.

We need COMPREHENSIVE ELECTION REFORMS to address these and other problems, but for now, protect the limited power of your vote by choosing the Democratic Party ballot on September 18th.

Andy Woerner

Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate-Hawaii
Election Reform - Term Limits - Balanced Budget

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Response to Senator Inouye's call to "keep it clean"

On August 24th, Senator Inouye called on Hawaii's candidates to "keep it clean", and indirectly accused Ed Case of "character assassination" after he published a brutally honest assessment of Mufi Hannemann and Hawaii's "political machine".

Let me see if I've got this straight.  Senator Inouye called Ed Case a liar based on an unrecorded private conversation between politicians in 2006, and that wasn't character assassination.  Now, Ed Case calls Mufi Hannemann dangerous after he very publicly and repeatedly injected the divisive issue of ethnicity and localism into his campaign, and that is?!

Sounds like someone just fired up the old political machine.

What voters need most is honesty, and when it comes to politicians, the truth isn't a very positive subject.

Andy Woerner
Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate (challenging Inouye)
Election Reform - Term Limits - Balanced Budget

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Beyond the Machine" by Ed Case

Former U.S. Representative Ed Case sent this out as a newsletter to his supporters on August 17th.  I thought it was an important message for Hawaii voters, but couldn't find it available to the public online, so I re-posted it here for anyone to see.  I should point out that Ed Case has no connection to my campaign, nor has he offered me his support in anyway... even so, I'm glad that we share a similar message.


Dear Friend:
A candidate for high office asked me recently: "What do your voters want?" I said I couldn't speak for all, but overall we want to end Hawai‘i's crippling control politics.

The machine, old boys network, status quo, establishment, insiders. By whatever name, it describes today's centralization of political power and control in the hands of too few to the exclusion of too many. It operates as a loose coalition of politicians, unions and businesses who act together to preserve their own positions.

Political machines are not unique or new to Hawai‘i. The plantation-era Big Five companies and their political followers ran an exclusionary machine for decades before a new majority declared their independence with the '54 Democratic revolution. It's sad that one legacy of that revolution is now what it fought to replace.

Today's coalition is sometimes called the "Democratic machine", but that's a mistake. The network's goals are not driven by party philosophy but power preservation. The battle underway in the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i between machine and independent members shows that most Democrats also reject the politics of exclusion.

The coalition's biggest fears are new ideas that rock the boat and new leaders who think and act independently. Acting together, they've largely succeeded in hammering down most threatening nails. The result has been a stunted political culture that's produced a lost generation of leadership and left us ill-prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

In my May speech to the Democratic Convention, I offered this advice to Sen. Hanabusa (and to my party): "Almost 70% of the voters didn't vote for you. Most did and do share our values. But we, including many in this room, share a deepening and spreading disillusionment with politics as practiced in our Hawai‘i and country today. The politics of power, not principle or people. The politics of division, not unity. The politics of avoidance, not solution. The politics of fear and retribution, not freedom and enlightened debate. The politics of extremism, not consensus. And we are ready, willing and able to vote to change all that even over our values if that's what it takes today to get to where we want to go tomorrow."

Our most crucial campaigns this year give us clear choices between the status quo and moving beyond the machine. The wrong decisions may lose us another generation; the right ones will give us a fighting chance.

  Warm aloha,
  Ed Case

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Inouye's Democratic Challenger Reaches Out to The Tea Party for Support on Term Limits


JULY 22ND, 2010

     With the most senior Senator in the nation and being a state that has never removed an incumbent from Congress, Hawaii is a natural battleground for promoting term limits in this year’s election.  And while some may debate their value, as many as 83% of Americans support term limits.[1] 

     Bonded Term Limits Pledges offer candidates a new approach to providing voters the option of term limits directly at the ballot box.  It’s a simple process where a candidate makes a choice to limit their own terms in office, and then backs that promise with a meaningful portion of their personal assets.  To do so, the candidate provides a promissory note to a non-profit organization of their choosing.  If the candidate should later break their word, the note becomes legally binding and the assets are forfeited.

     The first response some candidates have is that “their word is their bond”.  Although I have no reason to doubt them on a personal level, the failed term limits pledges of the 1994 Contract with America clearly demonstrates how quickly citizen candidates turn into career politicians.  More importantly, a Bonded Pledge is simple and inexpensive to make, and exposes the candidates to absolutely no risk, as long as they are true to their word.

     The second argument you will hear comes from candidates who support term limits but believe that self-imposing is bad for their constituents because it forces effective legislators to step down from office.  This is certainly a logical argument, but it relies on the same arrogant point that all incumbents make: That THEY are the most effective legislators, and THEY alone are able to best represent their constituents.
     These candidates also fail to inform voters of the extreme unlikeliness that a constitutional amendment for term limits will ever be passed.  While it sounds good on the campaign trail, their support of term limits is virtually pointless as it neither provides voters with a realistic hope for mandatory term limits, nor a personal guarantee of voluntary term limits.

     So when you hear a candidate who supports term limits, applaud them.  But then aggressively request them to back that support with something more than an empty campaign promise.  Those who have already self-imposed should be given the greatest scrutiny.  Making a Bonded Term Limits Pledge exposes them to absolutely no new risk, as long as they are true to their word.

     For now, I am proud to be the lone candidate in Hawaii to have made a Bonded Term Limits Pledge.  However, I would prefer to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to isolate our incumbents in their clear opposition to such a highly popular idea.   Bonded Term Limits Pledges provide a unique opportunity for challengers from all parties to come together in unified opposition to Hawaii’s nearly invincible political machine. No single candidate or political party can do that alone.

Andy Woerner
Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate – Hawaii
Election Reform – Term Limits – Balanced Budget

More information about Mr. Woerner can be found at the candidate’s website:

Information about the Alliance for Bonded Term Limits can be found at

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Reflecting on Independence Day

Two hundred and thirty-four years ago today the promise of America was summed up in one of the greatest single sentences ever to be written:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
It is a sentence that will stand the test of time and will forever inspire hope in the hearts of those who are subjected to the dark realities of oppression.

But most Americans, myself included, are surely an embarrassment to the great men who risked their very lives to pen those inspiring words. On this Independence Day, reflect on their passion and how they might apply it if they were with us today.
There are many avenues where those ideals can be profoundly applied, but we must first find the strength to declare our own “declarations of independence” from the relentless grips of comfort, apathy, ignorance, and pride. I worry that the British were a much less formidable foe.

Andy Woerner
Candidate for U.S. Senate-Hawaii
Election Reform - Term Limits - Balanced Budget

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hawaii primary election clearly violates the State's Constitution

   As the 2010 elections approach, the people of Hawaii look forward to exercising one of the greatest rights of American democracy; the right to vote.  However most of us are so ingrained in the system that we are oblivious to the fact that our current primary elections clearly violate our rights under the Constitution of the State of Hawaii.

   All political power of this State is inherent in the people and the responsibility for the exercise thereof rests with the people."

   The current primary system is a taxpayer funded nomination processes that illegally strips political power from the people and bestows it unequally upon political Parties.  These Parties have no legal rights under the Constitution, and the citizens of Hawaii have in no way relinquished their constitutionally protected political power to them.  Citizens are also under no legal obligation to join any political Party and as such, should in no way have their political power legally diminished or increased by election laws that give preference to political Parties.  Additionally, the Parties' legal access to the general election ballot is in no way correlated to the size of their membership as a percent of the population, and therefor does not protect the equal Rights of Citizens under section eight of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii.

   As demonstrated, Hawaii's current election laws clearly violate it's citizens' constitutional rights to the entirety of political power, and wrongfully deprives them of their equal access to the rights and privileges of voting as citizens of the State of Hawaii.  I call on the Hawaii State Legislature to immediately take steps to update our election laws in order to restore political power fully and equally to the citizens of Hawaii.  One option would be to consider an open blanket primary similar to the one that California voters passed earlier this month.

    Should the legislature fail to do so, Hawaii's Supreme Court must be called upon to protect the constitutional rights of all the citizens of Hawaii.

Andy Woerner
Candidate for U.S. Senate-Hawaii
Election Reform - Term Limits - Balanced Budget

    Monday, June 7, 2010

    Hawaii's Democratic Party ignoring its voters

         As Hawaii's primary election campaign gathers steam, our Democratic party seems shockingly unaware of the lessons of 2008.  In that year's primary, Hawaii's Democrats chose to nominate Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton at a stunning rate of three to one. 
         If voters had merely been interested in the candidate most capable of furthering the Democratic agenda, the obvious chose would have been Clinton.  Instead, they overwhelmingly supported the candidate who inspired them to believe that their vote could do something more important... change government itself.

    President Obama and our party may be fumbling the ball on that lofty goal, but many voters are still eager to find candidates willing to push forward with the momentum they worked so hard for in 2008.  The Democratic party may be surprised in September 18th to find that many of these voters are more committed to "change" than they are to the party and its political agenda.

    Andy Woerner
    Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate-Hawaii

    Sunday, May 23, 2010

    Republican victory in Hawaii shows majority of voters still seeking change

         Saturday, Hawaii voters elected Republican Charles Djou to Congress over two Democratic challengers. However, the Democratic candidates weren’t the only losers in the hard fought special election.

         Forty-eight year incumbent Senator Daniel Inouye put everything on the line to provide unprecedented support to his chosen candidate, Colleen Hanabusa. In the end, voters turned their backs on the Senator’s influence, with Hanabusa earning less than a third of the total votes cast.

         In the wake of the defeat, the Senator tried to focus attention on the Democrats earning a combined total of nearly 60% of the vote.  However, that logic ignores the fact that an even larger number, nearly 70%, voted against the efforts of the powerful Senator and his far-reaching political machine.

         Even so, Inouye has the well-earned respect of many of Hawaii’s voters, leading some to consider him safe from the anti-incumbent fever sweeping the country. However, Hanabusa’s poor showing is a clear indication that the Senator may face strong opposition from two very different sources in his upcoming bid for re-election.

         Republicans are the obvious threat with candidates like Djou making headlines across the nation. But in the heavily Democratic state of Hawaii, another threat has gone largely unnoticed. There are many Democratic voters who remain highly energized by the election of President Obama. Many of them question whether incumbents like Inouye and loyalists like Hanabusa, will be able to champion the kinds of change that inspired so many of them in 2008.

         If a candidate can capture both the support of those Democrats and Hawaii’s center right Republicans, Senator Inouye may find himself the target of a new coalition of voters seeking change from both sides of the aisle.

    Andy Woerner
    Candidate for U.S. Senate - Hawaii

    Contribute to show your support

    Tuesday, April 20, 2010

    Andy Woerner Becomes 1st Democrat in the Nation to Make a Bonded Pledge for Term Limits

         As the mid-term elections approach, there is growing talk of one of the oldest and most bipartisan issues in the country; Congressional term limits.  There is little doubt that our current unlimited system encourages incumbency, and that it distributes undue power to career politicians.  And in order to be competitive, even well-meaning legislators find themselves forced to make questionable compromises, not with those on the other side of the aisle, but rather with their own parties and the powerful interests that provide critical support for their re-elections.  Term limits seek to break up that power structure and fundamentally change government itself.
         Unfortunately, imposing term limits requires an amendment to the Constitution.  And since that requires the support of two thirds of Congress, it is an unlikely prospect at best.  Voters need to know that it will take much more than campaign promises to make it a reality.
         Many still remember the 1994 wave of Republicans who swept into office with personal pledges of self-imposed term limits, and a unified commitment to the 'Contract for America'.  One of the key elements of the contract was a pledge to vote for a term limits amendment.  In the end, they avoided passing it and the vast majority went on to break their personal pledges to the American voters.  Be wary of all politicians, but particularly those making promises of term limits.
         The bipartisan Alliance for Bonded Term Limits is trying to change that, and has come up with a unique solution that requires candidates to back up their term limits pledges with a substantial amount of their own personal assets.  If a candidate makes a pledge and then seeks to serve longer than agreed, they are legally required to forfeit the assets to a charity of their choosing.  This demonstrates to voters not only their commitment to term limits, but more importantly their commitment to their word.
         I'm proud to be the first Democrat and the first U.S. Senate candidate in the nation to make such a pledge.  Specifically, I have committed to donate $150,000 to the Malama Kai Foundation if I seek to serve more than two terms in office.  I hope this step will encourage other candidates to follow my lead, and I am specifically calling on each of Hawaii's candidates in next month's special election to do the same.  With the fourth longest serving Senator in history, Hawaii has a unique opportunity to draw attention to this critical issue and lead the nation towards a new era of citizen legislators who are eager to serve and then return home to live under the laws they have created.

    Andy Woerner
    Candidate for U.S. Senate-Hawaii

    Contribute to the campaign today!

    Wednesday, April 7, 2010

    Obama's New Nuclear Posture: Are you really afraid?

    In listening to Fox News and other conservative news outlets talk about President Obama's new nuclear policy, I got to wondering... are there people that are really frightened by this, or is this just another case of their PR machines finding another reason to throw the word "radical" around?  Give me your thoughts.  Do you support the President's decision?  Do you even care? Do you feel less or more safe because of it?

    Andy Woerner
    Candidate for the U.S. Senate - Hawaii

    Contribute $1 to show your support

    Sunday, April 4, 2010

    The Lobbyist in Your Living Room

    When I was doing my taxes last month, it occurred to me how obviously unfair the "mortgage interest tax deduction" is, and it got me wondering what's behind it all.

    Consider this:

    Two families with identical income & assets each decide to buy a home.  One family chooses to mortgage a $300,000 home that fits into their budget.  The other family makes a less responsible decision and mortgages a new and larger home for $500,000.   Based on that alone, the responsible family pays significantly more income tax than the other family, simply because they don't get as much of a mortgage interest deduction  Even worse, the tax deduction for the less responsible family directly reduces our national tax revenue, which then forces our constantly over-budget federal government to borrow money from foreign lenders and add it to our national debt.   Why is this not obvious? 

    Looking deeper into the issue, I learned that economists clearly agree that the mortgage interest deduction doesn't even do what it's intended to do, which is to help more people be able to buy their own homes.  

    So why hasn't something so obvious been changed to be more beneficial to lower and middle income families?  Because the National Association of Realtors and other housing related lobbies have worked hard to encourage our elected officials to leave it untouched.

    Regardless of their good intentions, career politicians are either oblivious to problems like these, or simply powerless to do anything about them.  We need citizen legislators who can make common sense decisions without worrying about opinion polls and campaign contributions.  This year, change how you decide to use your vote.  Tune out the expensive campaign ads and look for ordinary citizens who can symbolically change the future of our government.  Anything less will just get you more of the same.

    Andy Woerner
    Candidate for the U.S. Senate - Hawaii

    Contribute $1 to show your support

    Saturday, April 3, 2010

    Candidates Who Support Term Limits in 2010

    Below is a list of 2010 candidates and incumbents who supposedly support term limits.   While it is a critical issue, voters should be very wary of candidates using the term limits banner to help them get elected.  In 1994, numerous candidates were elected to Congress on the promise of self-imposed term limits.  The majority of them went on to break their word to the American people.

    All candidates making similar pledges this year should back their promise with something more reliable than a politician's word.  Those wishing to do so can contact the Alliance for Bonded Term Limits to find out how to bond their pledge with their own personal assets. Short of that, voters have no reason to believe that this year's candidates are any more trustworthy than those of 1994.

    U.S. Senate Candidates
    -Ken Buck (R) - Colorado
    -Maclyn Stringer (L) - Colorado
    -Merrick Alpert (D) - Connecticut 
    -Ethan Book (R) - Connecticut
    -Vinny Forras (R) - Connecticut
    -Linda McMahon (R) - Connecticut
    -John Mertens (I) - Connecticut
    -Rob Simmons (R) - Connecticut
    -Marco Rubio (R) - Florida
    -Alex Snitker (L) - Florida
    -Andy Woerner (D) - Hawaii [bonded pledge*]
    -MIKE CRAPO (R) - Idaho (incumbent)
    -DAN COATS (R) - Indiana
    -RAND PAUL (R) - Kentucky
    -Jim Rutledge (R) - Maryland
    -Eric Wargotz (R) - Maryland
    -Jonathan Dine (L) - Missouri
    -Chuck Purgason (R) - Missouri
    -SHARRON ANGLE (R) - Nevada
    -Tom Coburn (R) - Oklahoma (sponsor of S.J. Res 21)
    -PAT TOOMEY (R) - Pennsylvania
    -JIM DEMINT(R)-South Carolina(sponsor of S.J. Res 21)
    -MIKE LEE (R) - Utah
    -Dick Leinenkugel (R) - Wisconsin
    -Terrence Wall (R) - Wisconsin
    -Dave Westlake (R) - Wisconsin

    U.S. House of Representatives Candidates
    -MO BROOKS (R) - Alabama**
    -David Walter (C) - Alabama**
    -Brian Miller (R) - Arizona
    -STEVE WOMACK (R) - Arkansas
    -JOHN DENNIS (R) - California**
    -Cecelia Iglesias (I) - California**
    -Scott Kirkland (R) - California**
    -Stephen Bailey (R) - Colorado**
    -Sam Caligiuri (R) - Connecticut
    -Mark Greenberg (R) - Connecticut**
    -Robert Merkle (R) - Connecticut [bonded pledge*]
    -Eddie Hendry (R) -Florida**
    -Kurt Kelly (R) - Florida**
    -Barbara Olschner (R) - Florida
    -Bill Posey (R) - Florida (co-sponsor of H.J. Res 14)  
    -Jason Sager (R) - Florida**
    -Troy Stanley (R) - Florida**
    -Michael Frisbee (D) - Georgia**
    -Larry Gause (R) - Georgia**
    -Jeanne Seaver (R) - Georgia**
    -Carl Smith (R) - Georgia**
    -John Willoughby (R) - Hawaii
    -BOBBY SHILLING (R) - Illinois**
    -JOE WALSH (R) - Illinois
    -Jim Anderson (R) - Kansas**
    -Patricia Lightner (R) - Kansas**
    -John Rysavy (R) - Kansas**
    -ANDY BARR (R) - Kentucky**
    -TODD LALLY (R) - Kentucky**
    -Rob Wasinger (R) - Kansas
    -Collins Bailey (R) - Maryland**
    -Andy Harris (R) - Maryland
    -Charles Lollar (R) - Maryland
    -Scott Augheny (_) - Michigan**
    -Rocky Raczkowski (_) - Michigan**
    -Paul Welday (_) - Michigan**
    -Robyn Hamlin (_) - Missouri**
    -Billy Long (_) - Missouri**
    -Tommy Sowers (D) - Missouri
    -Bob Giuda (_) - New Hampshire**
    -Tom Reed (_) - New York**
    -ILLARIO PANTANO (R)-North Carolina [bonded pledge*]
    -SAM TURNER (D) - North Carolina [bonded pledge*]
    -BOB GIBBS (R) - Ohio**
    -RICH STEVENSON (I) - Ohio
    -JEREMY SWARTZ (L) - Ohio**
    -SCOTT BRUUN (R) - Oregon**
    -LOU BARLETTA (R) - Pennsylvania
    -MIKE KELLY (R) - Pennsylvania
    -TOM MARINO (R) - Pennsylvania
    -TODD PLATTS(R)-Pennsylvania(sponsor of H.J.Res14)
    -JAKE TOWNE (I) - Pennsylvania**
    -JEFF DUNCAN (R) - South Carolina**
    -Scott DeJarlais (R) - Tennessee
    -Mark Devol (I) - Tennessee [bonded pledge*]
    -Van Irion (R) - Tennessee [bonded pledge*]
    -Stephen Fincher (R) - Tennessee
    -Ron Harwell (R) - Tennessee
    -Don Janes (_) - Tennessee**
    -Don Strong (R) - Tennessee
    -BILL FLORES (R) - Texas**
    -RALPH HALL (R) - Texas (sponsor of H.J. Res 67)
    -JOHN JAY MYERS (L) - Texas**
    -RON PAUL (R) - Texas (incumbent)
    -Jeremiah Heaton (I) - Virginia**
    -SCOTT RIGELL (R) - Virginia
    -John Russell (_) - Washington**
    -James Watkins (R) - Washington
    -Craig Williams (R) - Washington
    -Sean Duffy (R) Wisconsin
    -Dan Kapanke (R) - Wisconsin
    -Chad Lee (R) - Wisconsin
    -Terri McCormick (_) - Wisconsin**
    -Dan Mielke (R) - Wisconsin
    -Roger Roth (R) - Wisconsin
    -Dan Sebring (R) - Wisconsin
    -Marc Trager (R) - Wisconsin

    Please comment below if you know of others that I can add

    Compiled by
    Andy Woerner
    Democratic Candidate for the U.S. Senate - Hawaii

    Contribute to show your support

    -Candidates in ALL CAPS indicate those who have made it to the general election
    *[6 year term limit bonded by personal finances through]
    **[Freshmen 50 House of Representatives candidate:]