Saturday, April 3, 2010

Candidates Who Support Term Limits in 2010

Below is a list of 2010 candidates and incumbents who supposedly support term limits.   While it is a critical issue, voters should be very wary of candidates using the term limits banner to help them get elected.  In 1994, numerous candidates were elected to Congress on the promise of self-imposed term limits.  The majority of them went on to break their word to the American people.

All candidates making similar pledges this year should back their promise with something more reliable than a politician's word.  Those wishing to do so can contact the Alliance for Bonded Term Limits to find out how to bond their pledge with their own personal assets. Short of that, voters have no reason to believe that this year's candidates are any more trustworthy than those of 1994.

U.S. Senate Candidates
-Ken Buck (R) - Colorado
-Maclyn Stringer (L) - Colorado
-Merrick Alpert (D) - Connecticut 
-Ethan Book (R) - Connecticut
-Vinny Forras (R) - Connecticut
-Linda McMahon (R) - Connecticut
-John Mertens (I) - Connecticut
-Rob Simmons (R) - Connecticut
-Marco Rubio (R) - Florida
-Alex Snitker (L) - Florida
-Andy Woerner (D) - Hawaii [bonded pledge*]
-MIKE CRAPO (R) - Idaho (incumbent)
-DAN COATS (R) - Indiana
-RAND PAUL (R) - Kentucky
-Jim Rutledge (R) - Maryland
-Eric Wargotz (R) - Maryland
-Jonathan Dine (L) - Missouri
-Chuck Purgason (R) - Missouri
-Tom Coburn (R) - Oklahoma (sponsor of S.J. Res 21)
-PAT TOOMEY (R) - Pennsylvania
-JIM DEMINT(R)-South Carolina(sponsor of S.J. Res 21)
-MIKE LEE (R) - Utah
-Dick Leinenkugel (R) - Wisconsin
-Terrence Wall (R) - Wisconsin
-Dave Westlake (R) - Wisconsin

U.S. House of Representatives Candidates
-MO BROOKS (R) - Alabama**
-David Walter (C) - Alabama**
-Brian Miller (R) - Arizona
-STEVE WOMACK (R) - Arkansas
-JOHN DENNIS (R) - California**
-Cecelia Iglesias (I) - California**
-Scott Kirkland (R) - California**
-Stephen Bailey (R) - Colorado**
-Sam Caligiuri (R) - Connecticut
-Mark Greenberg (R) - Connecticut**
-Robert Merkle (R) - Connecticut [bonded pledge*]
-Eddie Hendry (R) -Florida**
-Kurt Kelly (R) - Florida**
-Barbara Olschner (R) - Florida
-Bill Posey (R) - Florida (co-sponsor of H.J. Res 14)  
-Jason Sager (R) - Florida**
-Troy Stanley (R) - Florida**
-Michael Frisbee (D) - Georgia**
-Larry Gause (R) - Georgia**
-Jeanne Seaver (R) - Georgia**
-Carl Smith (R) - Georgia**
-John Willoughby (R) - Hawaii
-BOBBY SHILLING (R) - Illinois**
-JOE WALSH (R) - Illinois
-Jim Anderson (R) - Kansas**
-Patricia Lightner (R) - Kansas**
-John Rysavy (R) - Kansas**
-ANDY BARR (R) - Kentucky**
-TODD LALLY (R) - Kentucky**
-Rob Wasinger (R) - Kansas
-Collins Bailey (R) - Maryland**
-Andy Harris (R) - Maryland
-Charles Lollar (R) - Maryland
-Scott Augheny (_) - Michigan**
-Rocky Raczkowski (_) - Michigan**
-Paul Welday (_) - Michigan**
-Robyn Hamlin (_) - Missouri**
-Billy Long (_) - Missouri**
-Tommy Sowers (D) - Missouri
-Bob Giuda (_) - New Hampshire**
-Tom Reed (_) - New York**
-ILLARIO PANTANO (R)-North Carolina [bonded pledge*]
-SAM TURNER (D) - North Carolina [bonded pledge*]
-BOB GIBBS (R) - Ohio**
-SCOTT BRUUN (R) - Oregon**
-LOU BARLETTA (R) - Pennsylvania
-MIKE KELLY (R) - Pennsylvania
-TOM MARINO (R) - Pennsylvania
-TODD PLATTS(R)-Pennsylvania(sponsor of H.J.Res14)
-JAKE TOWNE (I) - Pennsylvania**
-JEFF DUNCAN (R) - South Carolina**
-Scott DeJarlais (R) - Tennessee
-Mark Devol (I) - Tennessee [bonded pledge*]
-Van Irion (R) - Tennessee [bonded pledge*]
-Stephen Fincher (R) - Tennessee
-Ron Harwell (R) - Tennessee
-Don Janes (_) - Tennessee**
-Don Strong (R) - Tennessee
-BILL FLORES (R) - Texas**
-RALPH HALL (R) - Texas (sponsor of H.J. Res 67)
-JOHN JAY MYERS (L) - Texas**
-RON PAUL (R) - Texas (incumbent)
-Jeremiah Heaton (I) - Virginia**
-SCOTT RIGELL (R) - Virginia
-John Russell (_) - Washington**
-James Watkins (R) - Washington
-Craig Williams (R) - Washington
-Sean Duffy (R) Wisconsin
-Dan Kapanke (R) - Wisconsin
-Chad Lee (R) - Wisconsin
-Terri McCormick (_) - Wisconsin**
-Dan Mielke (R) - Wisconsin
-Roger Roth (R) - Wisconsin
-Dan Sebring (R) - Wisconsin
-Marc Trager (R) - Wisconsin

Please comment below if you know of others that I can add

Compiled by
Andy Woerner
Democratic Candidate for the U.S. Senate - Hawaii

Contribute to show your support

-Candidates in ALL CAPS indicate those who have made it to the general election
*[6 year term limit bonded by personal finances through]
**[Freshmen 50 House of Representatives candidate:]


  1. Andy,

    Two of the ones listed are running against Bob Etheridge in my district, Keep up the good fight we all need term limits at all levels of gov.

  2. How do you expect this ideal to be implemented successfully at the national level if it has failed both attempts at the state level?

    Term limit idealism is just that. It is supposed to draw in a large new group of candidates to vie for public office and create a more "democratic, open and active electoral environment populated by citizen legislators" unfortunately, political scientists Eric Prier and Kevin Wagner of Florida Atlantic University have concluded that claim has proven, so far, to be entirely false.
    Florida in 1992 had a record 77 percent of voters agree to a constitutional amendment to 8 year term limits. Maine did the same for term limits in 1993.
    Term limits in effect, have created 8 year terms for incumbents with little incentive to be concerned about aggregate public opinion or voters during the length of the term. Instead of running against a state legislator, the challenger just waits out the remaining 4 years. Competition rose after the first 8 year period, but was not sustained. In the 2004 Florida primaries not a single opponent appeared on the ballot in 71% of the races for 120 seats. Many members had no opposition in either the primary or general election. Maine had a similar experience. Before term limits Maine averaged about 58 unopposed primary races for it's lower house. After term limits, the average increased to 127 out of 151 possible contests.

  3. Good questions. Do you have a link to the actual study so I can read the whole thing? Often times articles on reports tend to slant the discussion towards the goal of the writer.
    A couple of questions I'd have would be:
    -What was the average time in office prior to and after the change (it doesn't matter how many people challenge incumbents, what matters is their ability to defeat them)
    -Is there a connection between the decline in challengers and opinion polls regarding the term limited incumbents?
    -How do the stats compare for states with longer term limits (12 vs 8)?

    Regardless of these questions, it is clear that term limits are not a singular answer. As I stated at the beginning of the post, they are largely symbolic, but open the door to addressing other core problems in government that are difficult to correct under the present system.

  4. Just for a counter source, below is a link to a study on turn-over ratees in term limited states. There are several similar studies that all seem to indicate that on average, term limited states have turn-over rates around 10% higher than states without.

    One real challenge is the impact term limits can have on the experience of the legislature as a whole. The data is still pretty limited, but it comes as no surprise that states with 6 year limits face more challenges from inexperienced legislators than states with 12 year limits.

  5. I have heard many economist say that term limits would cause the politician to not have the incentive to work hard, or be concerned with public opinion, because they don't have the possibility to be re-elected.

    I respect that opinion it just seems to me that it is not human nature for a guy to say hey I can't be re-elected so I'm going to take it easy and do what I want for the next four years. Second elected officials rarely do what their districts want anyway so incentive or no incentive they do what they want, if they didn't then I think term limits would be already passed.

  6. Funny, I think I've heard you make the opposite argument about free market work incentives. But I appreciate your supportive statements just the same. As for the argument, I agree that people who are motivated to serve are unlikely to "not work" hard just because they can't get re-elected to that particular office. Even if service isn't their primary motive, they'll need a job somewhere when their term is up and their current job performance will influence their options.

  7. Andy, I think we need to look at changing the annual meeting of congress. Two states (one is TX and other I can't remember off the top of my head) meet every other year. That makes more sense, instead of wasting our money with every year coming up with ways to tax and spent our hard earned money. Another thing to consider is the number of days congress meets. Need to cut the days in half, so it is not a full time job. The founders and the Constitution NEVER wanted full time politicians. Lois

  8. Commissioner Dr. Eric Wargotz, (R), Maryland, for U.S. Senate 2010 also states on his website he supports term limits and I have heard him speak and state he would not serve more than 2 terms. Please add him to the list.

    Thanks, and good luck in your race!


  9. Thanks Marge. I added him to the, but am only adding web links to those who have backed up their commitment with a Bonded Term Limits Pledge. If you have any contact with him, ask him to put his money where his mouth is.

